Quick Start Guide

Back to Documentation Jump to: • Activate 'Data Integration Rules' • Activate Components to a Lightning Page • Entity Locator • Search Component • List Component • Map Component • Configurator Activate 'Data Integration Rules' From Setup, go to Data...


Back to Documentation Jump to: • Geocoding Freedom • 5-Minute Functionality • Custom Geocoding Field Support • Search + Filtering • Map Data Export • Fully Customizable Geocoding Freedom Interact with any Geocode API using Custom Providers Setups and your own APEX....

Geo Encoding Providers

Back to Documentation Geo Encoding Providers + Configuration Google API Key Provider Using a Google API key is recommended to provide users with the optimum experience for searching arbitrary addresses, postal codes, cities and more. The base provider requires a full...

Release Notes

Back to Documentation 1.1, 1.2 Flow support for components 1.0 Due to unforseen issues with the original FirmWorks Geo package (namespace firmworks)—We have re-released FirmWorks Geo as “FirmWorks-Geo” with it’s own firmworksGeo namespace. The new package and the old...