Rescuing Salesforce Consultants blog

Written by: Kyle Hagan

The self-proclaimed "Lord of the Nerd Herd", Kyle is a Salesforce developer and admin with experience in javascript, HTML Apex, and various other Salesforce elements. He is Conga product certified, which means he know lots of sales based processes. While at FirmWorks, Kyle helped pilot the design and development of FirmWorks Files and Notes.

October 9, 2023

FirmWorks recently launched our System Integrators (SIs) Partnership program in which we offer 10 FREE FirmWorks Files licenses to Consulting Partners to resource them with a simple yet powerful tool to solve their clients’ file-related pain points, streamline Salesforce implementations, and get projects to market faster. After countless conversations with Salesforce Consultants, we found that a comprehensive tool that solves most of their file-related problems just does not exist. Across the board, our consulting partners have struggled to find a solution that could:
  • Locate and organize files that have been uploaded via numerous client processes
  • Report on Files that are part of compliance and other processes
  • Share files internally and externally without use of an off-platform storage solution
Working with files in one capacity or another is just a part of the job for many Salesforce users and business types. With the many limitations to Salesforce Files out-of-the-box, we created a solution that makes document management, file sharing, tagging, reporting, and more a breeze with the addition of FirmWorks Files. Not convinced that this partnership makes sense for you? Read on to learn about eight times SI’s used FirmWorks Files to solve a client issue and improve an implementation.


Have you ever had a client tell you they added a file to Salesforce but could not tell you exactly where or when they uploaded it? Or they couldn’t remember what the file was named? Yeah, we have too. Recently, a consultant mentioned that their client in the insurance industry was struggling with file location. After the client added a customer’s insurance claim to a case, then went back to locate it at a later date, the claim was nowhere to be found. We discussed FirmWorks File’s search function and how easily it allows users to sift through thousands of documents using tags, relevant dates, and even searching the document’s content to find needed files. We provided our customer with a simple fix to their client’s frustrating issue, saving countless hours of monotonous searching, and positioning the consultant as the expert they are!


For many Salesforce users, File Access is hard to understand. I’ve lost hours trying to determine why one user could see a file while another user on the same record could not. On separate (panic-inducing) occasions, I’ve run into access issues of the opposite kind where users in our Experience could view private documents they were certainly not supposed to. Preventing access issues is a big deal in many industries and organizations and one that FirmWorks Files addresses in a big way. With default sharing, users never have to worry about the sharing settings on important documents or who has access to what. Users set default values for the processes that allow end users to upload files without worrying about anything else! This can be especially helpful in compliance, human resources, finance, and other scenarios where clients need a surefire way to safeguard file sharing and access.


Many of our clients use external file storage solutions like Google Drive and One Drive for storing files in bulk, like product specs, marketing documents, photo galleries, and more. Not only does this convolute processes and create the need for users to go off platform to locate and download documents they need, but it also increases room for errors like unapproved file versions, accessibility issues, and difficulty relating files to specific accounts and records. With FirmWorks Files, users can just as easily and securely share public links to their documents stored on-platform, keeping everything and everyone in one place. In a recent demo, we shared a document link with a customer using the Public Links feature to allow us both to walk through the same document without traveling off platform or downloading versions locally. In addition, using a flow, we helped another client send out a set of public links for numerous other products the client requested— all secured with passwords, allowing the client to control who could access the documents externally!


File Sharing isn’t just about allowing users direct access to documents. It’s also about ensuring they show up when and where needed. Our org, for example, requires a Master level NDA to be in place for our sales teams to move forward with the sales process. We also require our implementation team to have an SOW before they can log time to tasks for a customer. Historically, both cases required our team to upload documents multiple times in various places, wasting time on excess clicks and leaving room for potential errors. With FirmWorks Files, users can set up automation to create document links between their most important files and the records they need to be viewed on. Additionally, with the Entity Sharing feature, users can easily control how their files are utilized without losing time to multiple uploads or hundreds of clicks!


For many industries, there are rules that necessitate certain documents be in place for processes to happen. From construction permits to IRS documents, most organizations operate under the thumb of compliance on some level. I recently worked with a client org that was missing many tax documents on their deal records in Salesforce—not a great position to find yourself in when held accountable by the government! Fortunately, FirmWorks Files saved the day by implementing an automation that alerts their team when tax documents are missing. We began by using File Reports to generate a list of deals that were out of compliance due to missing tax documents. Then, we created a Salesforce Flow to send emails to the owners, notifying them of the closed deals without the appropriate compliance paperwork. Additionally, we added notifications to deal pages that notify their team when the record is missing important documents— saving them from negative feedback when the finance team internally audits them!


Our Customer Success (CS) team sifts through many files every week. Customers send images, videos, gifs, and more when they are trying to help us figure out the root cause of the case they submitted, and sorting through all these docs can become a management migraine. FirmWorks File’s Content Viewer component allows our CS team to easily navigate through page previews of customers’ files, showing them the names of the files on tabs for easy identification. This isn’t your traditional preview either— the team can easily view and click through files in a slideshow and delete unnecessary files (like email signature headers) on the fly. With File Configurations, we can filter our file settings to show the CS team’s specific files as needed instead of all the files at once. For example, users can select a view that shows only videos and gifs from customers to quickly identify cases they could close easily after watching a reproduction step video.


Let’s face it— sometimes, people get caught up in the rush of getting things done and checking boxes and forget to follow processes. And that, my friends, is why automating even the small things makes a big impact. We want our users to give as much information on the files they upload as possible, but overwhelming them with options is a surefire way to get them to provide no context at all. File Configurations allow users to set up default tags for specific documents and different file upload buttons for each use case. For example, our guest users uploaded resumes and files to open positions in our portal. Using File Configurations, we were able to pair down the questions we ask them on upload to get the most meaningful information and set specific tags labeling the document type the user uploaded (resume, proof of citizenship, identification, etc.) based on which button they clicked, instead of relying on them to tell us.


When working with our audit team, we often need data extracted from a document. Without leveraging Optical Character Recognition technology, or scanning a document for keywords, our org relies on the contract team to look through documents to extract essential data. Previously, this was done on a custom Salesforce record. But, not having records associated with the file meant that we had to clone the record anytime it needed to be associated with a different parent. FirmWorks Files’ tagging feature allows us to make sure all of the fields we need to extract from MSAs and NDAs exist in our Salesforce system for use in File Reporting and to notify the appropriate person of upcoming contract expirations, contracts with termination clauses or when we need to change terms bilaterally. If file use and management are a headache in your business or something you’d appreciate simplifying, automating, or otherwise improving, FirmWorks Files may be the solution for you. Contact us at sales@getfirmworks.com and allow us the privilege of helping you maximize the functionality of your Salesforce Files.

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