Upload + Tag

Easily tag Files as they are uploaded.

Features: Upload & Tag

Search + Filter

Driven by you organization’s values.

Features: Search + Filter

View On Record

View image, pdf, and doc files directly on record without navigating away.

Features: View On Record

Resizable Previews

Resize the viewing pane directly on the layout to read the fine print.

Features: Resizable Previews

Create, Delete, View Content Public links easily to provide external users access. Enhances default public link experience by giving users the option to use passwords to protect links. Delete public links easily to redact access.

Features: Public Link Management

Enhanced Entity Sharing Management

Create, Delete, View Content Document Link records directly on the layout. Easily create links to any object record in Salesforce more than just users.

Features: Enhanced Entity Sharing Management

Suggested Links to Records

Enable your users to quickly give access to related records using suggested links.

Suggested links look at the currently linked records to the file and gives a one click option to create relationships to related records.

Example: This file was linked to an opportunity. By using a FirmWorks Files configuration the suggested path of ‘AccountId’ is used to suggest the Account ‘DIA’ for the Opportunity ‘DIA’.

Suggested Links to Records

After the Account ‘DIA’ linked to the note, the child contact records are then suggested.

Suggested Links to Records pt 2

Bulk Upload

Upload hundreds, if not thousands, of files at a time.

Suggested Links to Records pt 2

Tag + Update Existing Documents Easily

Quickly and easily work with your existing files and documents to give them the metadata they need to report, find, sort, and work with them going forward. With support to use the last edited value to quickly update files.

Features: Tag + Update Existing
Features: Tag + Update 2

Enhanced Flow Support

Guide users and customer through a flow to upload files as part of a process and use reporting to validated the files exist before moving on to future steps.

Features: Enhanced Flow Support

Tabbed Viewer

Load viewable file content directly on the screen so users do not have to navigate away from the record they are on.

Features: Tabbed Viewer
Tabbed Viewer 2

File Reporting

Report on files and their field values – something not currently available in Salesforce

This example looks for all Accounts where an opportunity has been set to Closed Won within the last fiscal quarter, that also have a file title with ‘MSA’ in it (we recommend using picklists in practice). The power here is that not only can you find Accounts in Compliance with your legal standards – you can quickly find Accounts that are OUT of compliance as well by switching to Records without documents.

Features: File Reporting

File Auditing + Compliance

Reports can be built to your exacting requirements and scheduled to run on your schedule. Scheduled reports produce Salesforce Platform Events that can be used to drive the behavior and activities required to keep your company in compliance.

Features: File Auditing + Compliance

Record Reports

Save a report and drop a component on a layout to help alert your users if documentation is missing.