Oct 9, 2023 | FirmWorks, FirmWorks Files, Partners, Salesforce Files
FirmWorks recently launched our System Integrators (SIs) Partnership program in which we offer 10 FREE FirmWorks Files licenses to Consulting Partners to resource them with a simple yet powerful tool to solve their clients’ file-related pain points, streamline...
Sep 7, 2023 | File Management, FirmWorks Files, Salesforce Files
Salesforce and file storage have always had a rocky relationship. Historically, adding new files to your org was an extremely limited functionality in Salesforce. Documents are an integral part of storing information in a CRM, so stunting the CRM content by not fully...
Aug 29, 2023 | Events, FirmWorks, FirmWorks Files
August is coming to a close, the temperature seems stuck on ‘broil’, and the back-to-school slog is in full swing. Now seems like the perfect time to reflect on the summer Salesforce events we’ve attended. In August, we attended Midwest Dreamin’ and WITness Success in...
Jul 28, 2023 | File Management, FirmWorks Files, Salesforce Files
Steward Butterfield, co-founder of Slack, said, “There’s a lot of automation that can happen that isn’t a replacement of humans but of mind-numbing behavior.” We often hear about automated processes and automation tools and wonder if the robots will win in the end....
Jul 12, 2023 | File Management, FirmWorks Files, Salesforce Files
Salesforce Files are a powerful Salesforce feature that allows users to store, share, and manage documents and other files in their Salesforce org. Salesforce Files are different from Salesforce attachments, the feature which allowed users to store files in Salesforce...